KCSB News Holiday Special ’21

text by News Director

23 December, 2021

KCSB News · KCSB News Holiday Special '21

Twas’ a night at KCSB and all through the station, not a programmer was stirring, because of winter vacation.
Scaffolding wrapped Storke Tower with care, in hopes that no stone would fall through the air.
Though reporters were nestled all snug in their beds, our News Directors kept working, just to get ahead.
One with COVID and one with Bronchitis, they recorded from home to not spread the virus.
So what you will hear won’t be typical news, but rather a holiday special from us all to you.

In KCSB News’ 2021 Holiday Special, Ashley Rusch and Daniel Huecias take you on a festive journey through all things KCSB – featuring members of our executive committee and our neighbors across the courtyard at the Daily Nexus. You won’t want to miss it!

Art Credit: Shirley Wang

Featuring theme music by Scott Holmes, Dee Yan Key, TRG Banks, and Lena Orsa; sound effects from freesfx.co.uk.

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