
iaminconstantflux! five year anniversary celebration

13 Dec, 2024

blog / conversation / life / music

𝓱ₐ𝐩𝐩y (belated) 𝚋ᵢᵣ𝚝𝓱𝚍ₐy iaminconstanflux! words by applemartini / images by trankis This year, iaminconstantflux! celebrated its fifth year since its first air date on KCSB-FM, September 13, 2019. iaminconstantflux! was born out of a desire to break the confinements I had limited myself with on my first radio show. Its […]

Newport Jazz Festival 2023 Recap

18 Aug, 2023

blog / conversation / life / music

Words By Lekha Sapers   The 2023 Newport Jazz Festival, in its third iteration post-covid, was a smashing success. Of course, with lineups boasting the likes of Jon Batiste, Branford Marsalis, and Diana Krall, the musical prowess was oozing from every single stage. As a core tenet of working at […]

I.V. Bands Left With No Practice Space

18 May, 2023

blog / conversation / life / music

words by Marion Suchowiecky (KCSB External Music Director 22-23′)   On any given weekday, students biking into campus through the Pardall tunnel might hear bands running through tunes atop what has become a beloved and invaluable practice space for Isla Vista (I.V.) musicians—UCSB’s Lot 22 parking lot. On Wednesday, May […]

Zan Zendegi Azadi: Iranian Music and Revolution

21 Dec, 2022

blog / conversation / music / playlists

words by: Ava Kuredjian Music is a huge part of Iranian culture. From classical to jazz to pop to hiphop, Persian music covers every base imaginable. Before 1979, Iranian music was a meld of influences from around the world, merging them with a distinct Persian flair. However, after the Islamic […]