UCSB Reads on KCSB: Week 2 with Kynita Stringer-Stanback
On the second edition of “UCSB Reads 2021” on KCSB-FM, we welcome Kynita Stringer-Stanback, Sociology Librarian for the UCSB Library, who is reading When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir, Chapter 2: “Twelve.”
Please note that while “UCSB Reads 2021” on KCSB is broadcast live on Thursdays each week from 5:30-6:30 PM PT, we also have a platform for on-demand streaming of every KCSB-FM program for a two-week period after its original airdate.
You can find the player for each show by locating the playlist that corresponds to it on the embedded schedule grid on our official website, here at www.kcsb.org, which is provided to KCSB-FM by our digital partner Spinitron.com. (You can always relay any questions about this time-shifting service by emailing advisor@kcsb.org.)
The URL for on-demand streaming of UCSB Reads 2021 can be found HERE.
(This link already includes the Feb. 11 edition of this newly-launched weekly program.)
Please also consider supporting programming and features like this by contributing to KCSB’s Annual Fund Drive 2021. You can donate online to “SB’s Best Radio Station” in 2020 (according to readers of the Santa Barbara Independent) at any time at www.kcsb.org.
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